Are You Ready To Transform Your Body, Boost Your Energy, and Reclaim Your Masculinity?

Join Our "AMOA" Program for Men 30+ and Work With Top Fitness Coach & Superhero Trainer David Kingsbury

Does this sound familiar…?

You feel constantly drained and low on energy, struggling to keep up with life's demands?

Imagine waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. 

Instead, you hit the snooze button, drag yourself out of bed, and rely on coffee to get through the morning. 

This constant fatigue impacts your productivity and quality of life. 

You’ve tried countless fitness fads and diets that promise results but leave you disappointed?

Each new program promises results but fails to deliver. 

This cycle of hope and disappointment is demotivating. 

You need a program tailored to your unique needs and goals that fits your lifestyle and delivers sustainable results.

You’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone and hair loss, impacting your confidence and performance?

Ageing naturally lowers testosterone, leading to fatigue, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, and hair loss. 

These changes impact your confidence and performance. 

Hair thinning adds to the stress, making you feel older. 

Many men face these challenges, but there is a solution.

The "A Man Of Action" Program Is A Proven Transformation Shortcut

Here’s What You will get

The Ultimate Training Program

Tailored exercise plans that fit into your busy schedule— no need to spend hours in the gym or training at home.

High Androgen Supplement Protocols

Supplement recommendations to support your health and fitness goals.

High T Nutrition Plan:

Nutrition strategies and techniques to naturally increase your testosterone levels and enhance your overall well-being.

Hair Loss Improvement Tips:

Effective methods to combat hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

Energy & Performance Hacks:

Discover ways to boost your energy levels and improve your daily performance, both physically and mentally.

Weekly Coaching Calls with David:

Personalised guidance and support from David, a renowned personal trainer who has worked with top actors like Hugh Jackman. He will also cover specific topics like how he reversed his hair loss.

An Online Community:

Access to a community of other men on the same journey as you for additional support and guidance.

Only $27.00 Today

Now Available For Instant Access

Learn From the Trainer of Hollywood

What do the stars of ‘The Wolverine’ ‘Assassins Creed’ ‘Avengers’’ and ‘X-Men’ have in common? I trained them.


David Kingsbury

I have been a personal trainer since I was 17 years old and owned my own private personal training studio at Pinewood Film studios since 2010 and have just opened my second commercial gym K1 Beaconsfield.

I am best known for my work as a personal trainer to the film industry where I have trained 50+ actors on dozens of films

Clients have included, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Jake Glyenhall, Chris Hemsworth, Michael Fasbender, Eva Green and Jessica Chastain to name just a few!!!

In 2013 I also started offering online personal training as a way of continuing to support clients when I was out of the country, which at that time was all the time as I was working with Hugh Jackman full time all over the world.

This soon progressed into other people asking me for coaching and the online coaching side of things soon grew from their purely based on the amazing results people were achieving.

The System For Optimising Fat Loss, Muscle Gain & Masculine Energy

“He is the best trainer I have ever worked with, you are in safe hands”


"I’ve lost 9 kg which I’m pretty happy with considering I had a solid three weeks of being on holidays on the booze etc"


28 days in thanks again David, I’m a busy dad of two, about to turn 40 and I’d lost all motivation to workout and could barely find the time. This plan gave me the kick start I needed to get up and get moving again feeling leaner and more toned feeling confident for a friends wedding next week in ibiza.

4.1kg down. But that is not the most important thing at all. I trained with David a few years back with great results, but new responsibilities came and I couldn’t find time for gym. Any comeback was a failure, since I felt weak, unmotivated and with no seen progress, until I joined this program.

“Hi David, I’ve just finished my last of the gym workouts for week 12. Final weigh in was 83.6 kg. From memory I’ve lost 9 kg which I’m pretty happy with considering I had a solid three weeks of being on holidays on the booze etc.

I’d like to thank you for your program, one of my mates from Melbourne has just joined.

Honestly I didn’t think I’d get the results because even though I wanted the results I didn’t think with my lifestyle that I’d be able to.

Thanks again, I really didn’t think you’d be able to get this result out of a soon to be 46 year old carcass! Cheers Tony”

1st pic is before, 2nd and 3rd are after. Weight: 167lb. Body fat 17% That's more than 6 lbs down and nearly 5% lower! I was at a place and age where I didn't think I could change my body much anymore. I'd begun to accept that middle-age = weight gain. Just a month with David Kingsbury has proven me wrong!

Only $27.00 Today

Now Available For Instant Access

Q: How many workouts per week are included?

A: Our program includes up to 5 workouts per week, designed to be efficient and effective, ensuring you get the best results without spending hours in the gym.

Q: What kind of nutrition advice will I receive?

A: You'll get a nutrition plan that can be tailored to your specific needs and goals, including recommendations for supplements that support your overall health.

Q: Are the testosterone boosting tips scientifically proven?

A: Yes, our strategies are backed by scientific research and have been proven to be effective in increasing testosterone levels naturally.

Q: What kind of support can I expect during the program?

A: You'll have weekly coaching calls with David, who will provide you with personalised advice, motivation, and support throughout your journey.

Q: How soon will I see results?

A: Results vary from person to person, but many of our clients start noticing improvements in their energy levels, performance, and overall well-being within the first few weeks.

Q: Is this program suitable for beginners?

A: Absolutely! Our workouts and nutrition plans are tailored to fit all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.